Saturday 7 April 2012

Viti Levu & Tavewa, Fiji, 14 - 15 March 2012‏

 So, it appears we have landed in paradise. We lifted off from Melbourne at 12.30am, and landed in Nadi at 6am. Flight was bloody freezing (thought I was a pro at all this flying malarkey now, so just wore shorts, tshirt and flip-flops, and nigh-on got hypothermia - bloody showing off the power of the air-con, I swear), and I slept through the free food and beer, but at least I slept.
Even though I knew we were going to paradise, it still doesn't prepare you. As we got off the plane, we saw the sun rise over the mountains. Even with the airport in the foreground, it was still mesmerising.
We got picked up and taken to our hostel, which was next door to the big party hostel, shared all its amenities, but was half the price. Was perfect. £4.50 each, beer was £1 a bottle, and free breakfast, plus we got to go use all the stuff in Smugglers Cove; so that afternoon we had a few drinks, played cards and played in their pool, then went back for the fire show that night. Fire show was good, with 5 lads and one girl doing lots of Fijian dancing, and starting and finishing with some pyro and blade stuff. We were all then asked to join in what we thought was just a bit of hokey-kokey. Turned out to be part Fijian lesson, part conga with hands between your legs, and part dance off (I was lucky and got some northern girl in her early 20s, Jo had some old Indian man who really took a shine!). Was great fun, and after some buggering about with STA via the phone and email at midnight (we're now 12 hours ahead, so the difference can be a nightmare), we got our vouchers for Awesome Adventures to start our 2 week trip around the islands by boat the next morning.
The next morning, we were up early, packed, ate brekkie, and by 8.30 were on a boat bound for the northern Yasawa island of Tavewa. We chose an island resort called Coral View, just at a stab in the dark before we got on the boat.
When we got on the boat, we were blown away; every resort looked incredible: the tiny islands of the Mamanucas which barely fit on one resort, and the larger island of the Yasawas, where honeymooners go, with their rocky peaks and abundance of reefs all around, evident by the waves breaking in the middle of the sea.
As we traveled up the chain of the islands, we went past most of the resorts (we chose one as far away as possible so we just slowly work our way back), and I made a note of the ones I liked the look of (one is pretty big, and I plan to kayak around the perimeter).
After 4 1/2 hours on the boat, chatting with numerous people including Becky from Cornwall and Luzian from Switzerland, it was time to say goodbye to Becky as she went off to her resort, whilst Luzian, Jo and I, and several others got on another littler boat which took us to Coral View.
We were greeted by every member of staff singing, and shaking our hands as we got off the boat. We then were led into the bar/dining area with a juice, given a speech about the resort, and given a stir-fry lunch. We then checked in, and Jo and I were shown to our "bure" which is private double, en-suite, and worth about 4 times what we paid I think. It is beautiful place, and as we walked back out to get some sun and go for a dip (the beach is about 8m from the door), I was still struggling to believe we were here.
We sunbathed, then had afternoon tea, played cards with Luzian and 3 others we met, then dinner time!
Dinner was split-pea soup, chicken curry, veg curry, rice, roti, poppadums, and chutney. As there are a lot of indians in Fiji (courtesy of Britain - built our empire with slaves/as good as slaves) it was really good grub. Had a few beers and chatted, then as it quietened down and not many were left, we headed to our little bure. Great day, amazing island, and so many stars I keep tripping over as I walk around at night (most I've seen by far), so going to stay for 2 nights, then move on either to Blue Lagoon on an island not far away, or to another island down the chain.

So top tip to anyone booking a holiday long in advance - book a flight to Fiji and buy the Awesome Adventure pass when you get here, or if you're honeymooning, book it to Fiji. This place is like nothing I've ever seen. True paradise, and people who all seem genuinely happy to meet/see you!



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