Saturday 25 August 2012

Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11 August 2012

This will be a short entry I hope; we were only in Bangkok for 20 hours! We arrived late, wandered up Ratcha-something-something (just off the infamous Koh San Road) and found a dirt cheap little double which looked just like the room Daffy is in at the start of 'The Beach' if a little smaller, cleaner and less dead bodies in it.
We went straight out and had pad thai from a street stall and I fell in love. So fulfilling, so many ways to alter the taste, and so bloody cheap! I was over the moon! We then had a wander down Koh San Rd, which wasn't nearly as mad and bustling as I expected, and then found a little bar on a parallel street with cheap Chang and live music to top off the night.
Next morning we ate then went out to try and sort out our bus to Chiang Mai. We didn't realise that the Queens birthday was the following day, and as a national holiday the whole population were boarding buses and trains back to see family, and there weren't any beds or seats together for 6 days! Luckily, we found one place with 2 seats on a night bus that evening at a silly price, so we bit the bullet, legged it back to our guesthouse to check out, then wandered around getting our bearings and relaxing for a few hours before getting "picked up" for our bus. I put this is quotations as in reality it was a man getting dropped off at our pick up point and leading us on foot for a mile through windy alleys and a muay thai gym to the bus! As expected, the bus was chocka, but we had good seats, and dozed off as we weaved our way north to Chiang Mai!

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