Sunday 5 August 2012

Phnom Penh (again), Cambodia, 30 July - 1 August 2012

We boarded a tuk-tuk, then a minibus, then finally a big bus back to Phnom Penh, after umming and ahhing whether to stay another day (that put East 17 in my head AGAIN!) and hope for sun or head off. We made the right decision as the skies darkened above Sihanoukville.
Like all decent travellers, one of the main reasons for being in these foreign countries is to try new and exciting foods. For this reason, I took it upon myself to be brave and tried something completely new; Jalapeno Pringles. Bloody nice they were too.
Anyway, arrived safe and sound and found a nice place to stay, then went out for cheap drinks and tacos on the riverside, then, as the rains caught up with us, we took a tuk-tuk to a cinema and watched Dark Knight Rises. Amazing film, but this is my travel blog, not a film review, so we'll carry on.
The next morning after breakfast we found our way to a big Wat temple, then to the central market. En route to the market, Jo popped into a corner shop, and as she came out she bumped into a girl she had spent 4 months in Ghana with 5 years ago, and hadn't seen since! Small world! At the market Jo had some great success. She got a pair of Beats headphones for under 4 quid, and a shoulder bag for 3 quid! We wandered back through town, stopping for a bit of lunch and a drink, then onto the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda which were both rather disappointing. Almost half of the estate was closed off to the public, and the Silver Pagoda looked a bit like a kleptomaniacs front room, crammed with lots of Buddha statues but in ageing and mismatching cases. We stopped off for another drink and then headed back to the room to freshen up. We popped down the road and got a cheap pizza which, was nice at the time, but both of us awoke the next morning with stomach aches, making for an unhappy busride to Siem Reap! Par for the course, we didn't get picked up from the hotel until we called up to say "where are you", and were the last on the bus!

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