Thursday 5 September 2013

1 year on...

So here we are, almost 1 year after my last post.

We landed home on 25th September 2012, and I spent roughly 36 hours getting over jetlag before being dragged to work on a roof in Brighton with my mate Vegas. This did have the advantage of exhausting me so thoroughly that my bodyclock automatically reset itself.
Jo and I then spent a couple of days doing little else but feel cold and sorry for ourselves as we had minus money (that's worse than no money!). We resolved to get jobs, and moved in with Jo's sister Liv for a very reasonable rent.
Jo ummed and ahhed, but in the end went back to her old gym. I spent the grand total of 6 days job hunting before being offered a job at the first interview I went to. The job seemed ok (Quantity Surveying), but I wasn't too worried as we were already hatching a plan....

Fast forward 11 months, and we have had a great Christmas, managed to get away for a few weekends, catch up with new friends made along our travels, but mostly just work work work, and plan plan plan for the next installment!

In June we booked our flights to the Philippines. Why Philippines? Because Jo read a paragraph written on it in a Guesthouse visitors book in China somewhere. It sounded good, so it became stop number one. We will leave the UK on Jan 2nd 2014, spend 6 weeks(ish) there, and then head back to Oz to work for a while, top up the bank account in the sunshine, and hopefully raise enough to continue traveling onto South America.

The plan is a lot looser than last time, and we're both happy to work our way around this time, and we've realised that so long as we're self supporting and happy, we should keep going, as the line we always heard from family and friends that "no news really, nothing's changed" is pretty much true, and we won't miss out on much (unfortunately, apart from the wedding of Samba, one of my oldest mates).

So there it is; the plan. Well, sort of a plan.... more of a loose guide.... a loose flexible guide for the next trip.
I'm fully aware that no-one will probably read this, but it's nice to record it. I will put another post up when we've got all our stuff together and laid it out on the bed pre-packing, and then recommence blogging as we continue our travels. Hopefully I'll pull my finger out and do it more often, no promises though....

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