Tuesday 17 September 2013

The plan

Whoops, seems that I'm not as au fait with modern technology as I thought, and the multiple paragraphs of pure gold I wrote last night have vanished into the ether. Oh well, second rate writing a second time around it is!

So the plan, yes, thought I would put something down on here that I could look back on with amusement one day when what we actually do bears no resemblance.

Our "plan" as I've already said, is a loose one: bugger off for a month/2 months of fun in the Philippines, followed by a move to Perth to make our fortunes for 1-2 years, in which time we will have lots of family and friends visiting, and then take all the money we've saved and blow it traveling around South America and Latin America, hopefully tying in a portion of time in Brazil during the Olympics.

I am not misguided enough to have preconceptions that this will go to plan; I know fully well that the flight out of the UK may be the only thing that goes to plan. To be honest though, neither of us mind. Provided we are happy, and can support ourselves we will be fine and dandy.

The Australian economy, though very strong, is not as strong as it was a couple of years ago, and should we find that we cannot save the masses of money we anticipated, we will simply move on. With any luck we'll at least save enough to cover the £330 our visas cost us, and fund a flight on the next leg of the journey. Personally, I would love to go to New Zealand again and maybe get back on the tools in Christchurch, but Jo finds the country too bloody cold. If I wangled a house with an open fire I think she'd be there in a shot, but the odds of that are up there with Jo scuba diving with me again.

At time of writing, we are 102 days from flying out again, and the plan formed, though seemingly loose, is vivid and colourful in our minds in order to get us through our final weeks at work. We have fantasised and discussed at length the things we want to do, and speculated on new things to eat and drink. We don't know where to go to do these things, or what new delicacies we will be trying, but it is the experience of not knowing, and the freedom of deciding each morning what we are going to do that day that we are relishing feeling once again.

I'm sure Jo will start to form a more solid food man in her mind closer to our departure, but this will be more of a loose guide. It's a little like revising for a test when you don't know what the questions will be on. You can read up on some select areas, and have that small amount of prior knowledge (such how far to move the decimal point in a quote from a tuk-tuk driver in order to not get ripped off), but otherwise, you're at the mercy of what the examiners have put in the test.

I look back over this post and notice I've written rather a lot about not much. I'm sure this ratio will suddenly flip in the opposite direction soon enough, so I'll enjoy it while I can.


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