Sunday 8 January 2012

Green Turtle - Ghana

Ok, I'm not sure what happened there, but seems that the bloody great post I wrote yesterday vanished into the ether when I hit "publish". Oh well. Fingers crossed forattempt number 2... on a machine that doesn't even have USB ports... I wonder where you pu the coal in?

So after Cape Castle we went to Elmina which also has a castle for slaves that was run by the portugeuse and dutch. It wasn't quite as "nice" architecturally as Cape Coast, and but had some stunning views and equally harrowing history.

When we were finished in the castle some bloke who came and chatted to us before we went in came up to us again and handed us a shell each which he'd "personalised" with permanaent marker, and then immediately got out his football team sponsorship form. We said sorry, we couldn't carry them, and that we weren't going to sponsor and walked off. We decided against remarking that my shell was broken, and that Jos name isn't "Julian".
Got back to Autie Loves in the evening then the next morning headed to Green Turtle.
We took the tro-tro,then had to get a taxi as this place is a resort in the middle of nowhere by itself on the beach. When the drivers said 35 cedes we thought they were taking the mick,and haggled them down to 20. We felt a bit guilty when it turned out it was an hours drive,along roads which aren't meant to take a 300-odd-thousand mile Nissan Primera. But we got there, it was a little pricey for some of the food and drink, but as you have nowhere else to got for it, it wasn't a surprise, and it wasn't really that bad. 2 nights accommodation and food and drink over the 3 days came to about 30 quid each. And we had our own little hobbit-hut on the beach with 2 double beds too.
I was a bit ill out there, and I've got a load of little spots on my back and chest, but apparnetly this is a reaction to the Doxycycline in the sun. So I shall be hunting down Malarone or something for our next stint on the anti-malarials!
Had a couple of lovely days relaxing on the beach, then had to head back to Auntie Loves yesterday. As we couldn't barter for the cab, we had to accept the price, so we shared with 3 Dutch girls. Then halfway along the track (it reminded me of the ridgeway on the downs this road) we got a puncture. Not surprising with the girls big backpacks, plus all our daysacks and 6 people crammed in the car. Helped the guy change it to his spare which had a massive pressure bulge in the side, so I thought it was only a matter of time before it happens again, but we made it.
Got into Takoradi at about 4.30, went to an internet cafe, then home.

Today has been a bit slower than normal as Jo has caught a bug or something and was up all night throwing-up. She was tired out this morning and drained, so I got her some more water sacks and a can of coke to replace the sugars,and wandered into Takoradi alone for the first time to check on whether STA have replied conforming our flight change to tomorrow night. Also, to rewrite this whole thing again!

So fingers crossed, next update will be in a couple of days from Cape Town!

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