Tuesday 24 January 2012

Mossel Bay, SA

It seems that internet cafes outside Cape Town are neither cheap or any good, so going to do a little update on the old mobly.

Had a nice second day in Stellenbosch, spent sunbathing, moseying around the town, and in a really posh but cheap cafe/restaurant. Stellenbosch as I've already said almost stinks of money, and it was a little sad to see in this cafe that the dozen or so waitresses were all young posh white girls, whereas the girls who prepared the drinks behind the bar that were taken by the waitresses to serve were all either black or "coloured" as they were once known.

Yesterday we took the Baz Bus to Mossel Bay. This took quite a while, from 9 til about 3, but the place we're staying is beautiful and huge! We've got an entire dorm to ourselves as there's barely anyone there at the minute. It's got loads of hidden balconies and hammocks, and I found a series of ponds that feed into each other with about 100 massive koi carp!
The weather was a bit pants in the evening though, so after a late lunch offer of burger and mojito for £4 followed by coffee (this made Jo a little nuts; she was half cut but buzzing at the same time, and just kept chattering nonsense!), we decided to go to the cinema. Got absolutely soaked walking there, and the only English language option was Sherlock Holmes 2, but at a pound each, you couldn't complain.

This morning I had a docs appointment as my ear is still playing silly buggers. The doc was an old dude, and really friendly. He talked me through the whole anatomy of the sinuses and ears, had a peek and discovered I've got a middle ear infection, so I'm on the antibiotics for a few days. Also means that I can't jump out of a plane tomorrow, so if we can book it, looks like Jo is doing that one alone.

Weather has cleared up nicely now though, so we're sat on the beach (as the picture shows!).

Next stop on Thursday is a place called Knysna, for hopefully some surfing, and more beach-time!

Hope all's well in the UK!

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