Friday 20 January 2012


This post is just a little test to see if this mobile emailing posting malarky works.

Update on today, passed the PADI Open Water! The 2 boat dives were on a reef at 18m, and the second was also around 18m on a wreck of an old d-day minesweeping ship that was bought by the south africans and then sunk. Quite funny, as they used way too much explosive and blew one part of the ship completely to pieces! But was great fun, saw crayfish, red roman fish, shoals of silvertips (I think), loads and loads of starfish, a few puff adder shy shark, and a seal! Oh, and when I finished one of my skills I spun round and smacked my hand into a sea urchin who repaid me knocking him miles away from his mates by leaving a few spines in my bloody finger!

Anyway, that's it for now, just hope this update works!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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