Saturday 15 March 2014

Ipoh, Malaysia – 8/2/14 - 9/2/14

Ok, only as short entry for this one. Ipoh is a former British colonial hub. At one point I believe it was the capital of the Straits Settlements. It is now a small city, with some nice architecture, and throbbing heat and humidity for a couple who have just come down from the hills where they’ve spent four days in balmy 28 degrees. It felt double that, and as not many people stop here there wasn’t an abundance of places to stay. We decided hell with it and after a bus into town, stayed at the Tune Hotel which is owned and run by Air Asia. Air con. TV. Mega-clean. It was perfect. As we were too early to check in, we left our bags and walked and walked and walked for about four hours in savage midday heat to see every sight we could and wanted to see. Returned as broken and sweaty messes, we stayed in the room for ages until the sun went down.
Later we had a real struggle finding anywhere to eat. We weren’t expecting this at all, and it took us ages until we stumbled across a little Chinese place that did loads of dim sum, with people walking around with trays and steamer baskets of various dumplings and other goodies. Problem was, everyone in there was Chinese, and nothing was in English or even Malay, so we had no idea what anything was. Managed to avoid the shark fin (which seems to be in abundance here) as I recognised it from seeing it somewhere a few days previously, but had some other random things, including what I though was spring roll, but wrapped tightly in chicken skin and had a gelatinous blue core.
Jo had a stomach ache on the walk back, but sods law we stumbled across a market, so we had a quick look around and retired.

Next morning, before checking out, we were lucky enough to be there the one day of the week the flea market is held, and right outside the hotel. Saw people selling everything, from worn-out old flip-flops, to air-conditioning remotes, to homemade machetes, to penis pumps. Very entertaining!
We got some fruit, had an unhealthy breakfast that I’m so ashamed of that I can’t bring myself to name it (although you could mistake their initials with a football team), and checked out. I then rather cruelly dragged Jo all the way to the bus station on foot. We then hopped on another bus bound for Georgetown, Penang!

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