Sunday 16 March 2014

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 23/2/14 - 26/2/14

Batau caves

Round 2 in KL. Got kicked off the bus at 5am on a central reservation. Not quite the bus station we were expecting, but as we’d walked around here before, I knew we were only a few streets away from the hostel.

Decided to not go anywhere near Serenity hostel where we stayed the first time round due to it being absolute pants, so we’d taken the advice of Lucie and Josef and booked into Suzies Guesthouse in Chinatown. A cheery little bloke let us in, and even though we weren’t entitled to it, put out breakfast for us. He then cleaned up the room we were booked into as soon as the current occupant had left to get her early flight, and we were snug in bed by 6.30am, despite check-in not being until 1. Jo was out for the count, I watched movies and drank tea until about 11 when we ventured forth. We had to get a few bits, so we went straight to the mall.
View from Batau caves
When there, we got hungry again, and decided to treat ourselves, and as a little belated anniversary treat, had an all-you-can-eat at a pizza restaurant. Four pizzas, one portion of meatballs, one carbonara and one chicken Caesar salad later, we were suitably stuffed. We waddled back, slept off the food coma, then met Lucie and Josef for dinner. Jo couldn’t eat, but I managed a mutton curry and naan somehow! Said our sad farewells to our Czech friends as they flew to the Philippines the following morning. We gave them as much info and help as we could in planning their trip, and vowed we’d see them in either Prague or England one day.
Elvis deer

Steve and Jo at national mosque
Next morning we were up at a reasonable hour to meet up with Steve to do some tourist bits. First stop was the Batau caves, which are without a doubt the easiest tourist attraction I’ve ever been to. It even has its own train station, so you can just walk out of the single entrance which sends you in the right direction, then go walk straight up the hundreds of stairs into the caves! Simples! There are some temples built up there too, but to be honest, we were too taken with the melange of monkeys, cockerels and pigeons fighting it out. Stopped for a drink and listened to some stories which made me realise how cool Steves job is, then headed back to the city. Got a bite to eat, then walked for bloody miles taking in the National Mosque, Botanic Gardens (complete with deer Elvis impersonators), and Merdaka square.
Steve, Jonatan, Aina, Jo and me. Last night with Steve
Hot and weary we returned to shower and freshen up, then the Swedes (Aina and Jonatan) turned up at the hostel! Would have been a fantastic coincidence if Jo hadn’t emailed them and recommended the place. We five went out for something to eat, then a couple of beers down Pingaling (sorry, Petaling, I just find Pingaling easier to remember) Street which is the main hawker street where you can buy anything and everything… apart from anything genuinely made by the brand they purport to be.
We then had to sadly say goodbye to Steve as he was off to Bali in the morning. Another night in KL, another goodbye.

Jo outside Petronas towers
Following morning, after a minor eating competition with the Swedes for breakfast, we arranged to go up the KL Tower for afternoon tea. This wasn’t because we’re being terribly English, but because a ticket up the tower is 50 ringgit, or a ticket to afternoon tea (which is at the top of the tower) is 50 ringgit. That means it’s basically free food! Jo and I headed out first, and went for a look around the Petronas towers, then headed to KL Tower to meet the Swedes. When we got 300m odd up, and were seated, we were then told it was a buffet. 8 eyes lit up into a luminous glow at this revelation, and we headed off to stack up plates with sandwiches, scones, cakes and curry puffs in as reserved and sophisticated manner as hungry and penny pinching travellers possibly can. Two hours quickly passed as we literally span around the tower, taking in the 360 degree view of the city, before we were kicked out, fit to burst.
The Swedes headed off for the Petronas towers to have a look around, and Jo and I did some chores to ready ourselves for our upcoming flight.
Jonatan, Aina, me and Jo at the top!
Petronas towers
Back at the hostel, the four of us sat around chatting, none of us hungry for many hours, until it was time to say yet more goodbyes as we would be going to the airport very early next morning. We said our sad farewells to our new friends, and retired to bed, happy that we have one more place to visit when we get back to the UK; Gotland!

Next morning we were up at 4, aiming to get a taxi to the Sentral station for a bus to the airport. Didn’t see a single bloody taxi, and ended up walking miles along roads and motorways to KL Sentral. Next stop would be Kuching to start our Bornean adventure!

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