Thursday 13 March 2014

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 31/1/14 - 2/2/14

Oh dear, I have got far behind. Worry not, I have kept a record, so can recount everything as if it were yesterday!

Went to the airport for our flight from Manila to KL. Got stitched up by “terminal fees” which I can’t fathom, and then stuck in a goldfish bowl looking out at the food court when we were starving but unable to get there, so had to make do with Air Asia pre-heated pau (dumplings) and “Korean beef” which I strongly suspect was actually dog.
Flight uneventful, just simple and clean as is always with Air Asia.

Upon arrival in KL, we were once again ravenous, and not going to get to the city until gone midnight, so we got something at the airport… don’t judge, but it was Maccy D’s. Only place open.
Got to our hostel, which was above some jumping bars on Bukit Bintang. Was about to head down for a beer, but prices were obviously for the ex-pat crowd, as 1 beer was our daily budget, so we hit the hay.

Guess what it's the Chinese year of?
Chinese New Year celebrated in Bukit Bintang
First morning we wandered around malls, scoured for food, meandered around Chinatown and Little India. Humidity took us a little by surprise, and we were baking. Got back and chatted to Aussie girl Brooke and German guy Yanoush. Went out for dinner in amongst masses of people celebrating Chinese New Year. Had a good evening, but as it wore on, Yanoush seemed more and more odd, coming out with “I won’t eat fish from the Pacific as they’re all affected from the radiation from Fukishima; I read it on the internet” – Oh, well if you read it on the internet it must be true!

Next morning, Jo and I headed for the bus station en route to Melaka/Malaca.

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